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Photos From Our Recent Vacations

Mario, Joseph, & Jenna ready to "Hang Ten"

Kids with their Boards



Phyllis and the Kids as we biked Coronado Island

Biking on Coronado Island



The De Rubeis and Symmes Families at the Hotel Del Coronado

Everyone in front of the Del



Phyllis, Joseph & Jenna enjoying the beach in front of the Del in Coronado

Phyllis, Joseph & Jenna at the Del



Phyllis, Joseph, and Jenna posing in front of "The Godfather's Compound"
located on Lake Tahoe. This is where they shot the Nevada scenes in Godfather Part II.
The boathouse is in the back (see my home page) and is where "Fredo" was killed.
Very cool!

Godfather's House



This is a photo of the kids looking down on Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe

Kids over Emerald Bay


Mike, Joseph, and Jenna after a run down the mountain at Snowbowl in Flagstaff


















Last Updated--- March 14, 2009